Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the use of thin, sterile needles placed in the skin to relieve pain and promote healing. Thousands of years old, it is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is used all over the world for its beneficial effects. What can Acupuncture treat?
Because it is a holistic medicine, meaning that it treats a person’s mind, body and emotions, acupuncture is used to treat many conditions. Most commonly known for treating pain, it can also help with insomnia, PMS, depression, hormone imbalances and more. In 1992, the World Health Organization published a review and analysis on controlled clinical trial reports, demonstrating the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of many conditions. If you have questions about a health condition, please book a free 15-minute phone consultation. I’m happy to chat with you to see if acupuncture can help with your health needs. Does Acupuncture hurt?
Because the needles used by acupuncturists are so thin, most of the time patients don’t even feel them. If they are felt, the sensation is like a mosquito bite and it dissipates quickly. Acupuncturists also use non-needle therapies, such as cupping, gua sha and acupressure to treat pain and other conditions. If you are needle phobic, there are other methods your acupuncturist can use to help you. How many treatments will I need?
This depends on what condition is being treated. As a general rule, chronic conditions will take longer to treat - sometimes 10 or more treatments may be needed. More acute cases may only need a few treatments to resolve. Many patients will experience a noticeable shift within 1-3 treatments. How much does Acupuncture cost?
The initial appointment is $120, and regular appointments are $80. The initial appointment is 90 minutes long, giving us time to go over your health history in depth, and to answer any questions you may have. A treatment is included in this initial appointment. Regular follow-up appointments are 60 minutes in length. What payment methods do you accept?
Cash, cheque, debit and credit card. Acupuncture is covered by many private health insurance policies. Direct billing is available with Blue Cross, Great West Life, SunLife, Manulife, Johnson Group and more. |